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Breitenfurt – Herr Alfred Korinek


† 03.01.2015


It is true. The situation regandirg wind turbine setbacks in Wisconsin is deplorable. We are currently on the road conducting an unofficial, private citizens study of wind energy sites throughout the central and north western states and Canada. We have visited dozens of wind farms and are about half done with our study. By far, the most egregious turbine locations we have seen in our travels have been in Wisconsin. The problem lies, among other things, with the location of homes within sections of farm land. It appears that, in the past, modest sized farms were broken up to allow for residential development. Among the patchwork of these farms are many two to ten acre home sites. The farmers surrounding these homes have sold out to the wind developers and turbines have been placed on these farms without regard to the proximity to homes. We visited several of these home owners and the damage to health and property values is evident and very real. Homes in the Fond du Lac region of Wisconsin are unsalable even at greatly reduced prices. We saw evidence of a home that had to be abandoned because the health issues outweighed the value of the unsalable property and spoke with others in similar situations.We would estimate that homes in the Wisconsin turbine fields are about a half mile apart, with turbines as close as 1000 feet. By contrast houses in wind turbine fields in Minnesota we visited were about a mile apart while those in North Dakota were about five miles apart and those in Alberta, Canada were probably ten miles or more apart.We have this crazy idea here in the United States that one size fits all, and that because a wind farm in the North Dakota prairies affects few people or property values, that wind turbine fields in Wisconsin or Maine or West Virginia would have the same minimal effect. It doesn’t take the proverbial rocket scientist to see that this is far from the truth, but it seems to be beyond the grasp of most politicians.John &

Geschrieben am 13.06.2015 um 21:01

Sonja und Gerhard Schafranek:

Schade, dass wir einander nur so kurz kennen durften.
Sonja und Gerhard

Geschrieben am 10.01.2015 um 14:26

Familie Papesch:

Eine handbreite Wasser unter
dem Kiel,begleitete uns
lange Zeit - Danke für Deine Freundschaft.

In Gedanken wirst Du immer

bei uns sein

Deine Bootsfreunde

Thomas, Ulrike, Pascal und Ramona

Geschrieben am 09.01.2015 um 18:41

Familie Flesch:

Danke für deine Freundschaft und die
schönen gemeinsam verbrachten

Im Gedenken verbleiben wir

deine Schifferlfreunde

Birgit und Ronny

Geschrieben am 09.01.2015 um 10:10
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